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Natural Product

February 2023 Newsletter


Rose Essential Oil and Herbs are a symbol of Valentines' Day. Everyone associates that day with the look and smell of Rose.


There are some benefits of rose besides the pleasant smell and the symbolism, it is a good aphrodisiac, cuts, wounds, anti-depressant, anti-scorbutic, anti-spasmodic, astringent, coagulant, hemostatic, depurative, emmenagogue, hepatic, laxative, nervine, sedative, splenic, Stomachic and uterine.


So, besides the obvious, rose is a very helpful plant to have around the house. Rose can be used in a Tea, as an Herb, Rub, or burn as an Essential Oil.  Rose can lift your spirits or possibly put your partner in the mood.

Please use under a professional's direction unless burning the oil in a diffuser or just on scent sticks around your house. 

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